笑话1:员工工作作风粗犷,老板会认为员工工作马虎,成不了大气候;老板工作作风粗犷,那是工作有重心,善于抓大放小。笑话2:present for girlfriendat a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfriend. "shall i engrave her name on it?" the jeweler asked.the customer thou
笑话1:.两个男人去山上玩,一个人不小心失足掉下了山崖,同伴着急的喊:“兄弟,你怎么样,有没有事啊?”,只听到掉下去那个 人回答:“我不知道,我还在往下掉呢~~~~~”笑话2:present for girlfriendat a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfriend. "shall i engrave h
笑话1:我给老妈打电话要钱买新衣服,老妈在电话里说:“年年都买,你去年的衣服呢?是不能穿了还是怎么的,你这个败家子……” 我说:“去年的不好看了。” 我妈说:“衣服要是会说话,还嫌你长的丑呢。”笑话2:west pointmy father, brother and i visited west point to see a football game between army and boston co
笑话1:丈夫离奇死亡。警察发现妻子有嫌疑,最后妻子终于讲了实话:以前我和丈夫****都是按教堂钟声的节奏,可昨天楼下来了一辆消防车。笑话2:没有看见你一辆小汽车急速闯过红灯,刚好被警察拦住。“喂,你难道没有看见红灯吗?”“不,真对不起,我看到红灯了,只是没有看见你。”笑话3:midway tacticsthree competing st
笑话1:一直有个疑问:周瑜自从认识了诸葛亮,身体一天不如一天了?现在我似乎有些明白了。。。笑话2:five months olderthe second world war had begun, and john wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. so when the army doctor examined hi
笑话1:一位求职者在“特长”一栏中填上“造谣”。主考官不信任地说:“你造一次谣给我们看看。”求职者走到门外,对那些等待考试的人说:“你们可以回去了,我已经得到了这份工作,没你们的事了。”笑话2:present for girlfriendat a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfr